求基于单片机实现的定时温度控制系统设计 (毕业论文)

PLC温度控制系统003 双击自动滚屏 文章来源:一流设计吧 发布者:16sheji8 发布时间:2008-7-18 10:39:24 阅读:254次 摘 要主要介绍了一种基于的DSP水温自动控制系统的设计原理,描述了系统组成的各个模块和硬件和软件的实现。该系统通过对水温的采样,与预置值的比较,来控制水温。本系统液铅采用十六位DSP(数字信号处理器)TMS320F240为主控制器,它具有运算速度快,信号实时处理的优点。另外,它片内扩展外设,简化了硬件电路图的设计,由于它面向数字控制系统,使得能够运行复杂控制算法。在团大温度采集方面,采闹或好用DS1820作为传感器实施数据采集。采用温度传感器DS1820具有较高精度和重复性(重复性优于0.1C)良好的线性可以保证±0.1C的测量精度,利用重复性较好的特点,通过非线性补偿,可以达到±0.4C测量精度和±0.4C保温精度。控制算法采用PID算法,可以使系统具有较好的快速性和较小的超调。由于本系统对DSP、DS1820以及PID算法的应用,较好的满足了设计要求,实现了所要求的各项功能。关键词:温度控制 TMS320F240 PID算法Design of Water Temperature Auto Control System Based on DSPAbstractIn the aspects of this text introduced the design principle of the automatic control in water temperature in canteen in electricity system primarily. Describes the hardware and software modules were provided. That system passes to adopt the data from the electricity canteen water temperature, and compares with the refer input to control the water temperature.This system adopts 16 bits DSP (Digital signal processor) TMS320F240 as the main device .It has the advantages of calculating speed quickly and processing signal in real time. And it has a lot of outside devices in it. This simplifies the design of the hardware circuit. Because it face to the arithmetic figure control system, it can circulate the complex control system.DS1820 is used as the conductor of this system. It has higher accuracy and good linearity characteristic in repetition( repetition better than 0.1℃) in ± 0.1 ℃ of diagraph accuracy. It can attain the ± 0.4 ℃ measure accuracy .The control arithmetic adopts the PID. It can make system had better of faster and smaller super adjust.Because this system adopts DSP, DS1820 and the arithmetic of PID, it contents the desig 本文来自: 一流设计吧(www.16sheji8.cn) 详细出处参考: http://www.16sheji8.cn/onews.asp?id=685