来个英语高手吧 快点快点 帮我翻译吧 急啊

a:猜猜上个星期四是什么日察举笑子? Guess what's special about last Thursday? b:上个星期四?是妇女节。 Last Thursday? It was International Women's Day. a:你猜对了。:那一天你最想感谢的妇女是谁? You're right! Who's the one that you would like to show your appreciation the most on that day? b:当然是我的妈妈。她为我们付出了辛劳,是最伟大的妇女。 It'败含s my mother, of course. She's the most admirable women I've ever met as she did a lot for me. a;我也是。看,这是我送给我妈妈的礼物。 Me too! Look, this is my present to my mother. b:哇答蠢,好漂亮的钢笔。 Wow, this pen is really pretty/beautiful! 希望对你有帮助。 望采纳评分。 谢谢! 梦向篮筐-L.亲笔, 谢绝模仿抄袭! 2012-03-11
