1假如你是李华,在英国剑桥大学学习,给你的英国朋友Tom写一封电子邮件介绍你的生活。每周上课时间安排。 2

Dear Tom,
Bati here. Long time no Mail.What's new? The spring is coming in England.How nice it is!I like it very much!

Last month, Yi ruo and Lifei , Jim have come to Cambridge University and we enjoy together.

I have 16 classes every week, which have made me extremely busy. In my spare time, I ask Zorige come to play football with my friends and enjoy ourself.My position is Forward like Angentina football star Batistuta,who is my favourit star.

These days , i'm busy with my Blog. Here is Address livecom.spaces.live.com/lee , once you 're free,U can leave your trace in our BBS and enjoy music ~

Please take care of yourself.

Keep in touch!

Best Regards!

Li Hua

Jan.23 2011
Dear Tom ,
It was great to hear from you again . There are many things going on in our school . In fact things have got much better since we started a different way of learning .
In the past our teachers stood in front of the class talking all the time while we students listened , busily taking notes . After a tiring day at school , we always had a lot of homework to do . Sometimes we even worked late into the night . Now we are active in class . We often have discussions in pairs or in groups . After class we enjoy all kinds of activities , such as going in for sports , dong experiments or surfing the Internet.
We are extremely happy about the changes in our studies .
All the best ,
Yours ,
Li Hua