一篇英语作文: 假设昨晚九点停电了,当时你的家人正在做什么?请描述活动情况,适当发挥,80词左右。

Yesterday night at approximately nine o'clock, a blackout happens at my place. My mom was on the telephone talking with aunt Jun, who lives in California. My dad was standing on a chair trying to change a light bulb when the blackout happened. He almost fell off the chair! And I was working on my homework in my room as usual. I thought that I wouldn't be able to complete my homework and I was really worried. Surprisingly, the electricity came back a few minutes later and I was able to get back to finish my work and hand it in the next morning.
There was a blackout last night at 9. My father was reading newspaper. My mom was washing dishes. I was doing my homework. But I have to stop. because it was very black.