
现代快报讯(记者 卢河燕)为了让在苏外国友人及时了解最新疫情发展情况,江苏省外办联合现代快报,在中文疫情通报的基础上,推出英语、日语和韩语三个语种的疫情通报。今日通报如下:




Latest Update on COVID-19 Dynamics in Jiangsu as of 24:00 December 16

Between 00:00 and 24:00 of December 16, seven new local confirmed cases were reported by designated medical facilities in Jiangsu. No new inbound confirmed case was reported. 24 local cases were discharged from hospitals. At present, there are 59 confirmed cases (58 local and one inbound) under isolated treatment at designated hospitals.

Experts note that: Currently, despite the marked weakening of pathogenicity of the omicron variant, its transmissibility has significantly increased. Everyone bears the primary responsibility for their own health and needs to continue with protective measures and good personal hygiene practices.

1.Seek inoculation. Inoculation could reduce the risk of turning into severe cases and the mortality rate after infection and protect especially the elderly population. People above 60 years of age eligible for vaccination, not least those above 80 years old, are advised to get fully vaccinated and the booster jab in time.

2.Step up personal prevention. Maintain good habits for health such as washing hands regularly, wearing a mask, ventilating rooms more often, reducing gatherings, using serving chopsticks, and dining separately. Once symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, nasal congestion, nasal discharge, sore throat, reduced sense of smell and taste, headache, muscle pain and diarrhea show, stay at home for observation and treatment first or seek consultation through the internet hospitals. Medication should be administered according to medical advice, and stockpiling of medicines is not recommended. Confirmed cases and asymptomatic carriers may be put under home quarantine as appropriate.

3.Visit medical facilities following COVID-responsive requirements. Seek medical services at the fever clinic (consulting room) of medical facilities when illness worsens. Avoid taking public transportation. It is recommended that patients are transported to the fever clinic directly by private cars with sound personal protection so as to reduce the risk from cross infections to the maximum.

4. Pay attention to the prevention of respiratory infectious diseases in winter and spring. Respiratory infectious diseases have entered a high season, and influenza vaccination is recommended for key populations such as medical personnel, the elderly, infants and young children, and pregnant women. It is still important to wear masks in a correct way in crowded and indoor places. When queuing, making payments, exercising, sightseeing and shopping in public places such as shopping malls, restaurants and hotels, keep a one-meter social distance and wash your hands or disinfect your hands promptly after touching the contaminated environment.


12月16日0時から24時までの間、江蘇省の指定医療機関から新型コロナウイルス肺炎(COVID-19)新規の省内の確定患者が7人、海外から入国した新規の確定患者がゼロと報告された。また完治して新規退院した人が24人(いずれも省内の感染者)という。これまで指定病院で隔離治療を受けている確定患者が59人(省内の感染者が58人、海外からの入国感染者が1人)と確認されている。 専門家からの注意喚起は次の通りである: 当面、新型コロナウイルスの「オミクロン株」は感染の発症が著しく弱まっていく一方、感染力が明らかに高くなっているため、1人1人は自分自身の健康の第一の責任者として、個人の予防意識を強化し、引き続き健康管理と予防対策を行うこと。 一、積極的なワクチン接種。ワクチン接種は重症化や死亡リスクの低下に効果があり、とりわけ高齢者が感染から守られる。ワクチン接種の条件を満たす60歳以上の高齢者、特に80歳以上の高齢者は、できるだけ早く2回接種、そして3回目の追加接種を済ませること。 二、個人の予防意識の強化。こまめな手洗い、マスクの着用、風通し、集会への控え、取り分け箸の使用、分食制などの良い個人衛生習慣を守る。発熱、空咳、倦怠感、鼻詰まり、鼻水、のどの痛み、嗅覚?味覚の低下、結膜炎、筋肉痛、下痢など感染の疑いが出た場合、在宅療養やweb受診が可能。重症化する場合、直ちに病院まで治療を受けること。医師の指示どおり服薬し、薬の買いだめしを控えること。条件が備えられる場合、確定感染者や無症状の感染者は自宅隔離も可能。 三、科学的な受診。重症化する場合、医療機関の発熱外来まで受診することができる。その際に、公共交通機関のかわりに、なるべくマイカーで個人防護用具着用のまま、直接的に医療機関の発熱外来に行き、最大限で院内感染を控えること。四、冬季?春季に上気道感染症予防に気遣うこと。上気道感染症がはやっている時期に、医療関係者、高齢者、乳幼児、妊婦等の関係者はインフルエンザワクチンの接種を勧める。人が集まる場所や室内でもマスク着用のほか、ショッピングモール、レストラン、ホテルなどの公共場所で行列、支払い、運動、見学、買い物する際、1メートルの社交距離や、汚れた環境に触った後、直ちに手洗いや消毒を行うこと。

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