
  You are what you eat. That are words of wisdom. If you want to keep healthy, what you eat is quite important. Drink plain milk every day or drink some mixture of water and honey every morning. Eat less rubbish food like chips, barbecues and various kind of snacks which make you fat.
Besides, do more exercises. It’s always desirable for you to play sports games after work or school. Exercises make you more pretty and strong. If you are just too lazy to do exercises outside, you can also do at home or even at your seat. Just try to move your body when you think about being healthy.
  人如其食,这真是至理名言。 如果想要保持健康,你吃什么很重要。每天喝原味的牛奶或早上喝蜂蜜水。少吃垃圾食品清李拿,如薯片,烧答搭烤,各式各样让你发胖的零食。