求一篇英语作文 批改网 中医(traditional Chinese medicine)起源于



中医(traditional Chinese medicine)起源于6000多年前的神农氏时代,这位著名的中国古代药王所生活的时代被认为是中医史上的萌芽阶段(embryo stage)。 中医学在长期的发展过程中,逐渐形成了一整套医学原则和观点。首先,中医认为“万物人为贵“。中医将“救死扶伤”视为职业道德规范。第二,中医注重无病防病,强调以食补(food treatment)来延缓衰老,减少疾病。第三,中医理论认为,社会环境与自然环境相互作用、互为依存,人的身心也是一种相互作用、互为依存的关系。
  The most precious asset of traditional Chinese medicine is the prescriptions. Most of the medicines prescribed contain herbs and animal ingredients. The story of Shen Nong(神农氏) collecting herbs has been widely spread up to the present day. In ancient times people often ate plants to allay hunger. But some died from poisonous herbs, while others became sick but could do little about it. To ease their pain, a man named Shen Nong decided to go and look for cures. He tasted numerous plants himself and discovered that while wheat, rice, corn and sorghum were good sources of food, there were over 300 types of herbs that could be used to cure diseases.

  After thousands of years of clinical practice, traditional Chinese medicine now plays an irreplaceable role in treating and preventing illness as well as in gaining recognition around the world. The impact of traditional Chinese medicine is growing internationally every day.
