
  精彩对白 中文
  1. 汽车人!变形!(奇奇卡卡)
  2. No sacrifice, no victory.
  3. 汽车人,保持警惕!
  4. 大黄蜂,停止润滑那个人。
  5. 红蜘蛛,你又让我失望了。
  6. 我数到5!
  7. 迷乱死前:Oh, shit!
  8. 他把润滑剂洒的我满脚都是。
  9. 你来当我的顾问!
  10. My name is Optimus Prime.
  擎天柱对7区指挥官:绑架儿童是犯法的行为。汽车人,缴他们的枪! 英文 1. Car people! Deformation! (奇奇卡卡)
  2. No sacrifice, no victory.
  3. Car, and be vigilant!
  4. Hornet, stop lubricating the man.
  5. Panonychus, you again I am disappointed.
  6. I counted to 5!
  I can only count to 3!
  7. Confusion death: Oh, shit!
  8. He lubricant onto my feet are full.
  9. You come to when my consultant!
  Who is he?
  He is my consultants!
  ~~~~~~~~~ He together!
  10. My name is Optimus Prime.
  District Commander 11.SAM 7: This time you can be in trouble, gentlemen. Allow me to introduce my friend, ... ... Optimus Prime! ! !
  Rectangle 7 District Commander: the abduction of children is illegal behavior. Car, and pay their guns!
Our race‘s united by a history long forgotten, and the future we shall face together. I am optimus prime; and I send this message so that our past will always be remembered, owning those memories, we live on.
我们的种族因为被遗忘的过去而走到一起 齐心协力面对未来 我是擎天柱 在此发出倡议 让这段历史流传下去 我们拥有珍贵的记忆 生生不息